
The Kingdom and the Covenant: The Covenant Kingdom


THE KINGDOM and The COVENANT- Uncovering God's covenant oath and kingdom reign.

  • This book is about the Kingdom and the Covenant which are two sides of the same coin.

The gospel of the kingdom is the message that Jesus preached and the message His church must be preaching.
The New Covenant is the New Covenant in the blood of Jesus made between God the Son and God the Father.
Both the New Covenant and the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom unlock the message that God's mission is to redeem the whole world from the effects of the fall which is the main story line of the Bible. Both resulted from the one eschatological event in the history of mankind, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • This book uncovers God's covenant oath and Kingdom reign allowing the believer to see the faithfulness of God and his kingdom reign on earth through His people.
  • Look inside and order your copy today.

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